HS current issue

HomeSapiens magazine#02







Tastes & pastes of the domestic field

Order vs disorder: a misordered vision? Maybe confusion, a fusion of things home, where the effusion of our living sense infuses life into our place – be it behind or beyond the door. Disorder brings distraction, the deception of a given system, dependent on a certain aesthetics.

Kobo Abe
Pia Bijkerk
Ebony Bizys
Hilda Grahnat
Victoria Hannan
Edward Johansson
Iain McKell
Francesco Migliorini
Kate Miss
Jan Otto Schreiber
Roger Snider

HomeSapiens magazine#01

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Actors & factors on the domestic stage

A subject devoted to those who love and truly understand how to relate to domestic objects and places.
A way in which to speak of how the very soul of objects blends with the presence of the items in our homes.
A setting the stage for the inter-subjective relationship with objects, in the form of a choreography of physical relations and emotions.
What is your home’s rhythm? Why that specific object?
We know that there is a hidden order that defines roles and functions, protagonists and change at home.
Tracing the objects that keep us company in all ambiances, that give a spirit to those hidden corners, and life to exposed surfaces.
Setting us in the mood for home.
Mentally mapping our home and positioning, in affective terms, what has been done within the confines of the domestic environment.
This is the heart of issue one of the HomeSapiens magazine.

HS Magazine = 5 Themes + 5 issue + 1 special